If we say “Renaissance Astronomy” then we talk about modern theories about Solar System consisted of Sun in center and other planets moving around Sun in circular orbits. Copernicus, Bruno and Galilei were the leading figures in discovering space outside the Earth. Their work during the “renaissance period” made the great impact on other scientists and understanding the Universe that we know today.

Historical view of an astronomy continued with the “Space Race”. Eight-graders created multimedia presentation inspired by world after WW2.

The “Space Race” was an unofficial competition between two forces, USA and SSSR during ’60s and ’70s in order to explore the Universe, create an artificial satellites and, finally, to send living being into the space or even to the Moon. It was thought that succeding in such projects would lead the country into technological and economic superiority. We all remember stories about Layka, Gagarin, Shepard, Terjeskova, Leonov and Apolo 11….The “cold war” between USA and SSSR was replaced with diplomacy and their cooperation resulted in forming the Space Station “MIR” which was in function until 2001.

Nowdays all “space work” is controlled by International Space Station (ISS) – a joint project between five space agencies from the United States (NASA), Russia (Roscosmos), Japan (JAXA), Europe (ESA) and Canada (CSA).

Аs the knowledge about the Universe spread, conspiracy theories about landing on the Moon became lauder and lauder.

Our pupils did the short internet research and they found some pictures and articles that show some unusual things such marked stones and rocks, then the shadow of camera stative, waving flag, lack of stars, walking as if there was the Earth gravity, false footprints…

So, where is the true? Did the Apolo 11 make a huge step for mankind, or everything was a big lie?

Well…we can do nothing but let the scientists deal with all these theories. But, on the other hand, we will soon get some answers about life in space…and we can’t wait to have the conversation with members of ISS.