Well, our contact with the ISS astronaut is getting closer and closer!

Although we have a myriad things to finish because of the end term tasks and marks, we managed to get together with our friends from the Radio-amateur club Novi Sad ( or HAM radio) ( YU 7BPQ) and we had a blast!!

 We used a radio station for the first time!

After a while, we listened to a radio contact (the ISS and a Russian school). Although it was in Russian, it was a first time glimpse of what it would have looked like. The thing is that we could hear just the astronaut from space, not the school! Wow!

Finally, we used the radio station and rehearsed how to use it.

We practiced English pronunciation, how to read a question loud and clear and not to get in the way of other students and the audience. A real drill!

And the hardest part!?

Saying ‘ Over’ when finished!

We will keep on learning because only practice makes it perfect…

The most important thing we embraced from the last Saturday’s school gathering is that it IS going to happen! Not a dream anymore! We started to believe! It is plausible and we will be the ones talking to the ISS crew.

We believe it!

It is high time you believe us too!

YU 7BPQ, thank you for an inspiring experience! GJ!

Over and out ( 4 now) 🙂