About Us
Primary school “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” in Sremska Mitrovica was founded on September 10, 1953. as “Eight-year school number 1”, and just few months later, on March 19, 1954. it was named after the most famous children’s poet. It consists of three separate units, the one in Sremska Mitrovica and the other two satellite units in Šašinci and Jarak, with a total of 1044 students.
Throughout all these years, many generations of students and teachers in “Zmajeva” school have shared their knowledge, success and creativity as the greatest value, keeping up with the innovative methods and raising their teaching and studying to a higher level. Thanks to the engagement in several international programs and participation in projects valued by national and international educational institutions, our school was promoted as a “21st century school”, where the modernization of teaching and providing education to current and future students is carried out in accordance with European trends. For the overall quality of work, the school was rated the highest in external evaluation, and in 2018. awarded the highest prize by the Province of Vojvodina, “Djordje Natosević”.
In the year of the Jubilee, we have decided to open a new chapter and rise to new horizons through collaboration with the radio crew of the International Space Station.